St. Cecilia, Patron St. of Musicians

st. cecilia, patron saint of musicians

File:St cecilia guido reni.jpg – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

She sang to God as she was dying, and there was certainly plenty of singing during the mass.

Curiously, X and I didn’t know it at the time, but having decided on the “return to our roots” approach to spirituality this weekend, we chose the St Cecilia’s Church not knowing it would be that saint’s feast day the very next day. It was more in celebration of “Christ the King” this being the last day of the year in the Catholic Liturgical calendar that drew us to the Roman Church in the first place.

There was a fair measure of spirituality involved, but the priest’s manner reminded me a bit too much of Felix Unger to not pass notice — he was overly fastidious about cleaning his Eucharistic paraphernalia after Communion.